Plein Air

Plein air Drawing is a method to capture the surrounding rural and/or urban landscape. It makes you see and draw or paint the current moment, its colour, light, atmosphere, and movements. Like deep listening, Plein air creates a deeper connection to the immediate daily environment, highlighting emotional and sensory dimensions of a particular landscape. Similarly, we also use Still-Life Drawing - it allows us to directly learn from an object. Seeing and looking at the object is at the same time learning and understanding how we construct our world. Drawing an object allows us to experience that any information is a creation of its users. We like to focus on how the drawing is a subjective interpretation of an object, and to become aware the role we ourselves play in constructing social and cultural realities. Recording the object in a specific to a time and place. We make maps of a place that allow ourselves to understand the geography of a place, and to find your way around. The maps are made in groups, with orienteering skills and knowledge by those who live there. Map Making can happen around a table, but it’s best done whilst walking.

black and white pen drawing of the house and scenery near the pond.
Watercolour painting of a lake and greenery
colour pencil drawing of cow's horn, smaller cows and warning signs.
kid's color pencil drawing of someone on a bicycle and a tree
Zburazh flowers in water color by Vera But-Husaim
Watercolour painting of the village's cultural centre house and the local kids on bikes in front of it
Zburazh flowers in water color by Vera But-Husaim
Watercolour painting of a dog in front of flowers
childish colour pencil drawing of a home, sun, cloud, fence and flowers
sketch of cow's surface texture
brown monocolour sketch of a cow's horn
Color pencil Portrait of two men sitting on the ground under two trees
black and white sketch of a horn
Slideshow of drawing made during Kassel plein air
colourful pencil drawing of a cow's horn
pencil drawing of an electricity pole
sketch of a cow's horn
Digital drawing of blue orthodox church tower and clouds around it
a colorful drawing of grass and flowers
Zburazh flowers in water color by Vera But-Husaim
green and yellow pencil drawing of a cow's horn
Childish colour pencil drawing of a house, fence, church tower clods and the sun
color drawing of other people drawing at plein air and sketches of plants
Blocks of colour fill the page, strong yellow, purple and green. It reassembles fields.
Zburazh flowers in water color by Vera But-Husaim
Watercolour painting of a girl and a man playing an instrument singing and drinking
A hand-drawn map of Pushkino, showing the layout of the village, describing buildings, public areas, green areas and roads and pathways.
A black and white drawing of a birch trunk.
color pencil drawing of a park with trees, benches and kid's playground
Very colorful drawing of a plants, lots of red
colorful sketches of flowers and leaves
Watercolour painting of a cow in a grass field, house in background.
A hand-drawing using colour to show fields. The paper is lying on a concrete floor.
A hand-drawing in colour of a field of green leaved plants.
Zburazh flowers in water color by Vera But-Husaim
Watercolour painting of the blue church tower, clouds, near by bushes electricity wires
Zburazh flowers in water color by Vera But-Husaim